Practise What You Preach

“You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war”

– Albert Einstein

Disclaimer: This blog may upset close minded people too scared to understand modern society.

So as of now I don’t have a title for this blog post, and over the course of writing it I will be thinking of a suitable title for it..

“At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us to behave in the world. You teach us:

* not to fight with others,
* to work things out,
* to respect others,
* to clean up our mess,
* not to hurt other creatures
* to share – not be greedy.”

This was taken from Severn Suzuki’s speech at the 1992 UN summit and although it was to do with a whole other topic. This does have validity in the argument I am going to put forward.

Like in the above excerpt mentioned, from a young age we are brought up to not be violent in our actions, to treat others with respect and be humble in life.

However, when beyond the literal playground that all goes to pieces as when we get to a room in which high-stake decisions are to be made, the basic social obligations are trodden on.

Gone are the days when an honest man can make his plight to an understanding, civilised audience..

We live through days in which lies and corruption are spited yet is the foundation for the rickety house that is society.

Referencing back to the Einstein quote I opened with, we are taught to not fight.. Yet are warned by politicians of the fact we are on the verge of all out war and then contradicting themselves by the encouragement of leaving the EU which means we lose out on valuable backing from other countries…

(Arguably financially but we have enough to fund a 100bn plus nuclear deterrent so I don’t know how poor we really are as a country).

Back onto my main point… we can’t be preaching against war whilst actively partaking.

Quick side note: I’m sorry for being away for quite sometimes, just too caught up in life.. Will try to be much more efficient as I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment..

– Blogger Haris