Narrow The Perspective

“Look at Hitler speeches and change Jew to Muslims, then think am i being racist?”

Nowadays it seems people are more than willing to pass the buck in much more than politics. Only so they can sleep at night without thinking of the races that they undermine and pretty much screw over.

What annoys me is people become ‘Sherlock’ and deduce it to a minority/ethnicity. 

Granted, groups such as the so-called Islamic State have brough tyranny right on our doorsteps but Terrorism in Islam makes up 0.06% of all muslims worldwide..

Yet people still call for the outcasting and banning of them entering countries, The US for example… Really contradicts the whole land of the free gimmick doesn’t it?

People should do their own research before blindly going along with the media and fueling the bandwagon of racism and oppression against the people they claim to be oppressed by.

I’m sick of people saying “oh i was helped by a muslim the other day, turns out they aren’t all that bad”. I mean yeah it’s not like they are humans and can exhibit compassion, that’s just for white people only, the higher class of society…

Which leads me to my next point..

Some of the wars and great periods of terror have all been due to  genetic mutations and pigments in our body…

That dictated the status of people, their income, their home, their lifestyles…

But that’s widening the perspective, what i’m talking about it narrowing it…

Look outside your door before investigating more!

Some food for thought i just made up for you! 

Hope you are all having a great day!

– Blogger Haris